Testing single-cycle functions mod 2n, n = 8

f(x) = {

}, x0 =
Initial x can be a hexadecimal or a decimal number, or * for a random value. Use prefix "0x" for hexadecimal values. Function f() must be specified as a JavaScript code. Few additional simple byte-oriented routines are available:
•  neg(x) - inverse x
•  rot(x, l) - rotate x left by l bits
•  ceil(x) - an alias to Math.ceil(x)


•  x = x + (x² ∨ 5) →  x += (x*x)|5;
•  x = 5x + 123 →  x = 5*x + 123;
•  x = x + (x <<< 3) + ((¬x) >> 5) →  x += rot(x,3)+(neg(x)>>5)

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